
In cooperation with our partners

The KTsoftware is mainly designed for rubber seals but also useable for other materials. Rubber – the so-called living material- constantly changes its appearance (e.g. depending on rubber material, age of injection moulding tool or flashes, so the whole production process). Due to this, the inspection of rubber parts needs a special algorithm.

The KTsoftware has all necessary tools, that a modern optical inspection system requires:

  • modern designed graphical user interface (GUI)
  • a special feature is the active user guidance
  • a huge relief for the user: auto-setup modus for familiar seals like o-,v, or q-rings, break seals, flat seals, plugs etc
  • expert setup modus for complex seals and for general optimization after auto setup
  • pattern recognition: the software recognises the general type of defect
  • all size limits displayed prompt in mm or inch
  • informative statistics (MS-Excel compatible)
  • integrated machine operation (PLC)

KTsoftware is intelligent and easy to use!. With the KTauto-setup, the vision system applies a self-test on the master samples or even the first teach-in parts. Generally, the operator only sets the inspection severity and the minimum error limit. Lighting, flash time, the test zones and the remaining parameters for the surface analysis are automatically determined and set optimally. The KTauto-setup works for standardised components like o-rings or v-seals. For non-standard parts/seals, the expert mode is suitable to create your own receipts. A further special feature is the pattern recognition together with an expert mode, that finally decides if a defect is still acceptable or is blown away as faulty. That intelligent decision-making procedure reduces the so called pseudo rejections significant and makes this inspection system more efficient and economical than most of the other systems on the market.

Convince yourself of all innovative advantages of this software. Why defining illumination, positioning and testing severity when the system can do it much better with the experience of 25 years of image processing?

For your project inquiries please send us your details. We will start to analyse and prepare your quotation. It is important to have all the relevant information to provide you the best solution. Please use our project-request form.

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